Chamber Committees

Legislative & Public Policy Committee

The Committee represents the Black Chamber on local, state and federal issues that impact the members. The Committee researches issues, develops positions it recommends to the Board, and advocates for those positions with Board approval.

Membership Development Committee

The committee develops and implements procedures to increase the number of Members and is responsible for ongoing membership renewal campaigns.

Finance Committee

The Committee will guide and make recommendations on matters such as budgets, programs to be funded and contributions to other organizations. It will review audit findings and submit recommendations to the Board. The Committee has responsibility for developing financial policies and assists in the establishment of the budget process.

Fundraising Committee

The Committee coordinates all activities for the purpose of generating funds for the general operating budget of the Black Chamber.

Marketing - Communications - Public Relations Committee (MCP)

The Committee develops and implements procedures to increase the publicity of the Black Chamber and its activities through the media.

Business and Economic Development Committee (BED)

The Committee develops and implements programs and strategies to enhance the economic opportunities available to the Members.

Programs & Activities Committee

The Committee intiates ongoing projects and actibvities to increase the visbility of the Black Chamber, working closely with the membership and fundraising committees.